Last year, we made Soft-Shell Chili Crab - you know that dish that is claimed equally by Singaporeans and Malaysians as their very own invention?! I'm not in the mood for an argument, so we'll call it Singapore Chili Crabs for the sake of world peace. Usually made with giant mud crabs, we decided we would adapt it to suit the season and chili up those soft-shells. I'll have to rescue that blog post from my previous blog so I can share it with you here. They were spectaculicious! I wish I had enough for the whole block! This year we decided on a salted egg yolk sauce - butter, the yolks of salted duck eggs, spicy bird eye chilies, curry leaves and milk. A brilliant creation of some unsung Malaysian-Chinese chef and available at most fine seafood establishments back home.
Last Saturday, Dad-in-law arrived with bags of groceries for me (he never arrives at our door without a giant bottle of Sriracha!) On Saturday night, we went out to dinner as we always do at Michael's Restaurant in Brooklyn. We spotted soft-shell crabs on the menu and nodded with satisfaction that they were indeed available. On Sunday, after brunch we went to my favorite seafood place. No soft-shells. We were incredulous!! What? We tried a second place. No soft-shells. On our way to our third stop, we did something we've never had reason to do together before - we had our fingers crossed. Two people from completely different backgrounds, religions, ages, genders, and from absolute opposite corners of the globe were united with one mission. Sadly however, no amount of togetherness and kumbayah-ing was going to help us. NO SOFT-SHELLS! Our hearts fell ever-so-slightly in unison. We then discussed our next steps.
We could have had crab, but that was much too close to our original thwarted plan. Instead, we opted for jumbo shrimp. They would be deep fried just as the soft-shells would have been, then coated with a spicy butter and salted duck egg yolk sauce. Not soft-shell crabs, but it would do!
Father-in-law: How many lbs?
Me: One
FIL: One? I want leftovers for lunch tomorrow!
Me: Okay then... two?
FIL: You're not eating leftovers for lunch tomorrow?
Me: Okay, three!
Here's the recipe. Of course, if you find soft-shell crabs at your local seafood place, you should make this recipe with them. Just don't break my heart and tell me about it. Oh okay, DO tell me about it. Take pictures. Blog about it.
Salted Egg Shrimp (serves 4 - 6)
3lbs jumbo shrimp
1 cup cornflour
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1 teaspoon chili powder
Peanut oil for deep frying
4 tablespoons butter
4 large cloves of garlic - chopped
5 - 8 green bird eye chilies - chopped
Small handful of curry leaves
4 salted duck egg yolks - beaten
1/2 a cup of evaporated milk
Salt and pepper to taste

Serve immediately with white rice and simple blanched or stir-fried greens. If I knew who created the incredible combination of ingredients that make this dish I would kiss them!